7 08, 2017

What Does it mean to be a Woman?


With Women’s Day popping up on our calendar, I feel it’s time to reflect on what it really means to be a woman. As with the male gender, we are easily slotted into neat little boxes – wife – girlfriend – female – female who has come of age – [...]

What Does it mean to be a Woman?2017-08-07T11:06:54+02:00
16 07, 2017



Mandela Day! It comes and it goes, but do you really get involved? Do you take the time to spend those 67 minutes with the man’s dedication in mind? Some just say they cannot think of what to do … well, let us give you a few ideas!   1. [...]

67 … WHAT A NUMBER!2020-11-05T18:10:10+02:00
18 06, 2017

Why dads are necessary and other interesting stuff


Dads just do things differently to Moms, well, in fact, to anyone else actually. And, it is in those differences that make Dads so special and necessary. Tell Us A Story Not taking anything away from Mom’s story telling skills, but Dad’s generally are just more interesting. It could be [...]

Why dads are necessary and other interesting stuff2017-06-18T17:18:18+02:00
4 06, 2017

The 101 on Cleaning your Pet’s Stuff


While we love our pets, and like to consider them part of the family, they often act as germ carriers.  The germs that they bring into our homes settle in their toys and blankets too.  Because our animals don’t bath as regularly as we do, and are usually out and [...]

The 101 on Cleaning your Pet’s Stuff2017-06-07T15:36:51+02:00
5 03, 2017

4 facts about germs in your home


Facts about germs Germs are in your home right now. Certain bacteria in the correct environment can divide every 20 minutes, spreading rapidly. Use FungiSolve to eliminate the spread and re-occurrence of bacteria and germs. Germs can make you sick. Your immune system protects you against most micro-organisms. However, there [...]

4 facts about germs in your home2017-03-05T17:46:28+02:00
11 04, 2014

Pregnant and scared of germs?


Pets can spread infection All animals carry germs. Illnesses common among house pets — such as distemper, canine parvovirus, and heartworms — can't be transmitted to humans. But pets also carry certain bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi that can cause illness if transmitted to their owners. Owners get these animal-borne [...]

Pregnant and scared of germs?2016-11-22T16:16:41+02:00
15 01, 2014

Babies, Pets and Germs


Don't worry about: 1) Food on the carpet or floors. As long as you clean your floors on a regular basis with FungiSolve for Pets Stuff. The germs that do populate aren't likely to be harmful. If the floor is wet however it is best to remove your baby from [...]

Babies, Pets and Germs2014-05-10T17:33:55+02:00
6 01, 2014

Why should I care about germs?


Mostly if you have pets at home as well as children it is best to try and get rid of as many germs and bacteria that your pets carry around and so preventing your children from getting those particular viruses caused by germs. Pets carry germs on their coats as [...]

Why should I care about germs?2014-05-10T17:31:47+02:00
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