25 09, 2017

How Patriotic are you really?


We live in a beautiful country.  We are a diverse mix of colour, culture, and tradition.  And, like all countries, we had to find a day that represented our uniqueness and union.   Heritage Day celebrated on the 24th of September, used to be known as Shaka Day, named after [...]

How Patriotic are you really?2017-09-25T20:32:48+02:00
16 07, 2017



Mandela Day! It comes and it goes, but do you really get involved? Do you take the time to spend those 67 minutes with the man’s dedication in mind? Some just say they cannot think of what to do … well, let us give you a few ideas!   1. [...]

67 … WHAT A NUMBER!2020-11-05T18:10:10+02:00
17 01, 2017

The Disease That’s Hiding in Your Shoes – And Why You Can’t Get Rid of It!


Yes, all sports people suffer from battered toenails, but then there’s that discolouration that seems like nothing at first but over time you realise – it’s just not going away – and slowly your once healthy toenail begins to disfigure, which is not great when summer rolls around and those [...]

The Disease That’s Hiding in Your Shoes – And Why You Can’t Get Rid of It!2017-01-18T00:00:13+02:00
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