10 10, 2017

5 Most Embarrassing Runner Problems


I love running. And, I'm sure you do too, or you wouldn’t be here reading this. But, and a big but, there are some areas of running that just are so damn embarrassing. Whether you are just the jogger that takes a lope around the block, or you spend many [...]

5 Most Embarrassing Runner Problems2017-10-10T16:43:25+02:00
31 07, 2017

To sweat or not to sweat


Sweating is not a pastime most like to do, but it is, in fact, very healthy for you. There is a reason we sweat, obviously, although we do everything we can to avoid this natural occurrence. We ply ourselves with deodorant, body spray, underarm, and perfume, just to mask or [...]

To sweat or not to sweat2017-07-31T13:48:58+02:00
18 06, 2017

Why dads are necessary and other interesting stuff


Dads just do things differently to Moms, well, in fact, to anyone else actually. And, it is in those differences that make Dads so special and necessary. Tell Us A Story Not taking anything away from Mom’s story telling skills, but Dad’s generally are just more interesting. It could be [...]

Why dads are necessary and other interesting stuff2017-06-18T17:18:18+02:00
7 02, 2014

Protect your family from germs


Always wash your hands when… Using the bathroom Touching raw meat, raw eggs, or unwashed vegetables Before preparing food and after eating Handling pets Being around people who are sick Getting saliva (spit) on your hands Caring for and playing with children Changing diapers If soap and running water are [...]

Protect your family from germs2014-05-10T17:40:36+02:00
19 01, 2014

How to apply the 5 second rule


Faster is better — but it may not be fast enough. Although a piece of food does pick up more bacteria the longer it's on the floor, bacteria can attach to it instantly. So any food that makes contact with the floor can get contaminated if conditions are right. And foods with wet [...]

How to apply the 5 second rule2014-05-10T17:36:00+02:00
15 01, 2014

Babies, Pets and Germs


Don't worry about: 1) Food on the carpet or floors. As long as you clean your floors on a regular basis with FungiSolve for Pets Stuff. The germs that do populate aren't likely to be harmful. If the floor is wet however it is best to remove your baby from [...]

Babies, Pets and Germs2014-05-10T17:33:55+02:00
1 01, 2014

FungiSolve for Pets stuff gets rid of Zoonoses


FungiSolve for Pets Stuff was developed to protect your family from germs that your pets bring into the house such as Zoonoses (pronounced: zoo-uh-no-seez) is the name for infections that can be passed from animals to humans. People get zoonoses when they are bitten or scratched or come into contact [...]

FungiSolve for Pets stuff gets rid of Zoonoses2014-05-29T13:30:05+02:00
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