10 10, 2017

5 Most Embarrassing Runner Problems


I love running. And, I'm sure you do too, or you wouldn’t be here reading this. But, and a big but, there are some areas of running that just are so damn embarrassing. Whether you are just the jogger that takes a lope around the block, or you spend many [...]

5 Most Embarrassing Runner Problems2017-10-10T16:43:25+02:00
31 07, 2017

To sweat or not to sweat


Sweating is not a pastime most like to do, but it is, in fact, very healthy for you. There is a reason we sweat, obviously, although we do everything we can to avoid this natural occurrence. We ply ourselves with deodorant, body spray, underarm, and perfume, just to mask or [...]

To sweat or not to sweat2017-07-31T13:48:58+02:00
24 07, 2017



As you grow older, your feet will also grow then start to change shape, your skin may even get thinner, but they shouldn’t feel painful.  Keeping healthy feet for the rest of your life can be easy with a hands-on approach. Many older people will claim that you will miss [...]

FEET FOR LIFE2017-07-24T12:52:37+02:00
13 06, 2014

Fun facts for Father’s Day


A bit of fun for Father's Day: Women are attracted to men who have similar odours as their fathers. According to scientist, “Women can actually smell genetic differences,” said Dr Martha K McClintock, a co-author of a study written with lead investigator Suma Jacob and Carole Ober, a University of Chicago [...]

Fun facts for Father’s Day2016-11-22T16:10:16+02:00
2 01, 2014

New Years Resolutions 2014!


Wishing all our fans a Happy New Year! What are your New Year Resolutions? We have a few this year that we are going to try stick to. 1. Be environmentally conscious. Already our products are biodegradable and not tested on animals. 2. Be proudly South African. Karin Bruckner is [...]

New Years Resolutions 2014!2014-05-10T17:24:50+02:00
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