3 04, 2014

Natural ingredients in Medipod Foot Repair Cream part 2


This past Saturday we celebrated #EarthHourZA and made a pledge to #UpCycleCans not only is here a picture of our pledge we also want to inform you of the natural ingredients in Medipod Foot Repair Cream. One of our ingredients in Medipod Foot Repair Cream is Vitamin E: With the [...]

Natural ingredients in Medipod Foot Repair Cream part 22016-11-22T16:18:13+02:00
26 03, 2014

Harmful Bacteria on your Sports Gear


60% of people suffer from skin infections of the feet, and/or toenails. These can also affect other parts of the body. Fungi and bacteria cling to materials causing odour. FungiSolve stops reinfection in Athlete’s foot… etc which are trapped in your sports gear. “In each of the last three years, [...]

Harmful Bacteria on your Sports Gear2014-05-10T17:46:23+02:00
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