4 09, 2017

Are you an Ironman?


Very recently, we started sponsoring product to Richard Lawrie, who has qualified to take part in the Kona Ironman in Hawaii which will be in October this year.   We are in such awe of this amazing young man.  The road to Kona (and incidentally his catch phrase) is not [...]

Are you an Ironman?2017-09-04T20:39:30+02:00
20 03, 2017

Why athletes should wash their Wetsuit


We were delighted to be part of the triathlon Westcoast Warmwater Weekend where we washed over 300 Wetsuits in FungiSolve. Why athletes don't wash their wetsuits.  Most athletes don't consider washing their wetsuits, they usually rinse them in fresh water after a swim in the sea to get rid of salt [...]

Why athletes should wash their Wetsuit2017-03-22T10:02:04+02:00
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