20 03, 2017

Why athletes should wash their Wetsuit


We were delighted to be part of the triathlon Westcoast Warmwater Weekend where we washed over 300 Wetsuits in FungiSolve. Why athletes don't wash their wetsuits.  Most athletes don't consider washing their wetsuits, they usually rinse them in fresh water after a swim in the sea to get rid of salt [...]

Why athletes should wash their Wetsuit2017-03-22T10:02:04+02:00
13 06, 2014

Fun facts for Father’s Day


A bit of fun for Father's Day: Women are attracted to men who have similar odours as their fathers. According to scientist, “Women can actually smell genetic differences,” said Dr Martha K McClintock, a co-author of a study written with lead investigator Suma Jacob and Carole Ober, a University of Chicago [...]

Fun facts for Father’s Day2016-11-22T16:10:16+02:00
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