4 09, 2017

Are you an Ironman?


Very recently, we started sponsoring product to Richard Lawrie, who has qualified to take part in the Kona Ironman in Hawaii which will be in October this year.   We are in such awe of this amazing young man.  The road to Kona (and incidentally his catch phrase) is not [...]

Are you an Ironman?2017-09-04T20:39:30+02:00
18 06, 2017

Why dads are necessary and other interesting stuff


Dads just do things differently to Moms, well, in fact, to anyone else actually. And, it is in those differences that make Dads so special and necessary. Tell Us A Story Not taking anything away from Mom’s story telling skills, but Dad’s generally are just more interesting. It could be [...]

Why dads are necessary and other interesting stuff2017-06-18T17:18:18+02:00
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