10 10, 2017

5 Most Embarrassing Runner Problems


I love running. And, I'm sure you do too, or you wouldn’t be here reading this. But, and a big but, there are some areas of running that just are so damn embarrassing. Whether you are just the jogger that takes a lope around the block, or you spend many [...]

5 Most Embarrassing Runner Problems2017-10-10T16:43:25+02:00
4 09, 2017

Are you an Ironman?


Very recently, we started sponsoring product to Richard Lawrie, who has qualified to take part in the Kona Ironman in Hawaii which will be in October this year.   We are in such awe of this amazing young man.  The road to Kona (and incidentally his catch phrase) is not [...]

Are you an Ironman?2017-09-04T20:39:30+02:00
7 08, 2017

What Does it mean to be a Woman?


With Women’s Day popping up on our calendar, I feel it’s time to reflect on what it really means to be a woman. As with the male gender, we are easily slotted into neat little boxes – wife – girlfriend – female – female who has come of age – [...]

What Does it mean to be a Woman?2017-08-07T11:06:54+02:00
31 07, 2017

To sweat or not to sweat


Sweating is not a pastime most like to do, but it is, in fact, very healthy for you. There is a reason we sweat, obviously, although we do everything we can to avoid this natural occurrence. We ply ourselves with deodorant, body spray, underarm, and perfume, just to mask or [...]

To sweat or not to sweat2017-07-31T13:48:58+02:00
24 07, 2017



As you grow older, your feet will also grow then start to change shape, your skin may even get thinner, but they shouldn’t feel painful.  Keeping healthy feet for the rest of your life can be easy with a hands-on approach. Many older people will claim that you will miss [...]

FEET FOR LIFE2017-07-24T12:52:37+02:00
16 07, 2017



Mandela Day! It comes and it goes, but do you really get involved? Do you take the time to spend those 67 minutes with the man’s dedication in mind? Some just say they cannot think of what to do … well, let us give you a few ideas!   1. [...]

67 … WHAT A NUMBER!2020-11-05T18:10:10+02:00
18 06, 2017

Why dads are necessary and other interesting stuff


Dads just do things differently to Moms, well, in fact, to anyone else actually. And, it is in those differences that make Dads so special and necessary. Tell Us A Story Not taking anything away from Mom’s story telling skills, but Dad’s generally are just more interesting. It could be [...]

Why dads are necessary and other interesting stuff2017-06-18T17:18:18+02:00
21 05, 2017

How Fabric Breeds Bacteria


You consider yourself a clean person, right? You wash, shower or bath everyday, most times twice a day? You clean your home regularly? And, you wash your clothing?   So, why do your clothes sometimes have that just-not-so-fresh scent about them? Well, it is a simple answer, and it may [...]

How Fabric Breeds Bacteria2017-05-21T14:45:15+02:00
7 05, 2017

A Day in the Life of a Part-time Athlete


You’re headed out the door and you almost step back in, as a frozen blast of wind hits your just-woken up face. The streets are still dark and you are so tempted to head back to that warm bed, but you see your mate waving from the corner. Okay, no [...]

A Day in the Life of a Part-time Athlete2017-05-07T20:41:30+02:00
20 03, 2017

Why athletes should wash their Wetsuit


We were delighted to be part of the triathlon Westcoast Warmwater Weekend where we washed over 300 Wetsuits in FungiSolve. Why athletes don't wash their wetsuits.  Most athletes don't consider washing their wetsuits, they usually rinse them in fresh water after a swim in the sea to get rid of salt [...]

Why athletes should wash their Wetsuit2017-03-22T10:02:04+02:00
5 03, 2017

4 facts about germs in your home


Facts about germs Germs are in your home right now. Certain bacteria in the correct environment can divide every 20 minutes, spreading rapidly. Use FungiSolve to eliminate the spread and re-occurrence of bacteria and germs. Germs can make you sick. Your immune system protects you against most micro-organisms. However, there [...]

4 facts about germs in your home2017-03-05T17:46:28+02:00
9 02, 2017

30 different ways to kill fungus by using FungiSolve


There are so many ways to use FungiSolve, you have to ask yourself, why? Most important thing to know, fungal spores are EVERYWHERE! It is easy to become contaminated walking over a surface where someone has been with an infection. It is important not only to treat the infection but [...]

30 different ways to kill fungus by using FungiSolve2017-02-09T14:38:20+02:00
17 01, 2017

The Disease That’s Hiding in Your Shoes – And Why You Can’t Get Rid of It!


Yes, all sports people suffer from battered toenails, but then there’s that discolouration that seems like nothing at first but over time you realise – it’s just not going away – and slowly your once healthy toenail begins to disfigure, which is not great when summer rolls around and those [...]

The Disease That’s Hiding in Your Shoes – And Why You Can’t Get Rid of It!2017-01-18T00:00:13+02:00
31 10, 2016

Simple Steps to a Sparkling Bathroom


From vinegar, to baking soda, and even hydrogen peroxide, there’s lots of advice out there about how to clean tiles, caulking and grout. But if you don’t want your restroom smelling like a chip shop, we recommend taking the easier route, and using our Medipod formula, FugiSolve to not only remove the [...]

Simple Steps to a Sparkling Bathroom2016-10-31T16:22:48+02:00
18 10, 2016

Musty Clothes, Moldy Shoes and smelly socks?


We’ve Got the Solution Mold can easily grow on your clothes and shoes – especially if there’s excess moisture in the air (places of concern are Atlantic Seaboard and Durban), or your home is poorly ventilated. Leaving damp shoes, towels or socks to dry indoors can also cause the same problem. This [...]

Musty Clothes, Moldy Shoes and smelly socks?2016-10-18T13:59:40+02:00
13 06, 2014

Fun facts for Father’s Day


A bit of fun for Father's Day: Women are attracted to men who have similar odours as their fathers. According to scientist, “Women can actually smell genetic differences,” said Dr Martha K McClintock, a co-author of a study written with lead investigator Suma Jacob and Carole Ober, a University of Chicago [...]

Fun facts for Father’s Day2016-11-22T16:10:16+02:00
28 05, 2014

How to achieve maximum comfort on your run


Simple Tips Pre-wash your shoes and running gear in FungiSolve. Give yourself a foot massage everyday. Medipod Foot Repair Cream is a 2-min a day spa in a tube. Benefits of FungiSolve Fungal and bacterial infections often return, even after successful treatment with creams or drugs, pre-washing your running shoes [...]

How to achieve maximum comfort on your run2016-11-22T16:13:19+02:00
27 05, 2014

Tips on how to train longer for Comrades


What is DOMS? It is the result of damage to the muscle cells during intense exercise. This causes inflammation, swelling and tenderness as the muscles repair themselves. How to prevent DOMS? In order to reduce muscle soreness after a workout, it is necessary to do a proper warm up before [...]

Tips on how to train longer for Comrades2016-11-22T16:14:11+02:00
11 04, 2014

Pregnant and scared of germs?


Pets can spread infection All animals carry germs. Illnesses common among house pets — such as distemper, canine parvovirus, and heartworms — can't be transmitted to humans. But pets also carry certain bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi that can cause illness if transmitted to their owners. Owners get these animal-borne [...]

Pregnant and scared of germs?2016-11-22T16:16:41+02:00
26 03, 2014

Harmful Bacteria on your Sports Gear


60% of people suffer from skin infections of the feet, and/or toenails. These can also affect other parts of the body. Fungi and bacteria cling to materials causing odour. FungiSolve stops reinfection in Athlete’s foot… etc which are trapped in your sports gear. “In each of the last three years, [...]

Harmful Bacteria on your Sports Gear2014-05-10T17:46:23+02:00
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